“I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating twice with [Danielle]. Both experiences were that of visionary, experiential-based healing that centered the wholeness and humanity of participants. As a Black Queer folk healer myself, I am always paying attention to people and experiences that offer me new perspectives, approaches and tools for my own healing and the communities that I support. [Danielle] is unique in [her] use of breath work as a transformative tool and [her] curation of space to encourage centeredness, hope and vision. This is the kind of medicine that is life-saving for folks of color, womyn/femmes/queer and trans folk against the backdrop of real terror. My hope is that others can experience [Danielle’s] healing spaces and offer [her] the support that she needs to fully embody her talents and vision. I look forward to future collaborations with [Danielle] and reading her life-affirming writing online. #whatwehavebeenwaitingfor”
— Richael Faithful, Community Shaman and Folk Healer & collaborative partner
“I attended a “Dreaming” workshop, led by Danielle Stevens, that lifted my spirits and rejuvenated me to the fullest. In a world where Black trauma and despair is often the direct outcome of navigating the world while living in the margins... [Danielle] has a wholistic approach to the spiritual, social and economic well being of Black, womxn, queer + trans people of color. I am humbled to be in community with such a transformative approach to social healing ”
— Beethleehem Seifu, Community Member and Workshop Participant
“Danielle’s facilitation felt very light and she was very connected to everyone else in the room which had never happened to me before. I was a bit blocked at first in manifesting, but working though it with Danielle helped me see things I hadn’t considered or even seen for myself which was refreshing. It was a new way to access magic and I appreciated being challenged to dream bigger and deeper than I ever had.”
— Chelsea Yarborough, Workshop Participant and Community Member
“[Danielle] centers healing, growth, self-care, community, and loving kindness in such thoughtful and meaningful ways. Time and time again when I read [her] words, or attend one of [her] workshops, I am reminded of the essential nature of taking the time and space to nurture and cherish my own well-being. Time and again I am encouraged to subvert those systems that seek to oppress, and replace them with modes of operation that allow me to breathe, inspire me to create, to love, and to give great value to that which is often given none. It is a wonderful thing. ”
— Imari Moon, Workshop Participant and Community Member
“The workshop Danielle led was wonderful, warm, and welcoming. It felt like a homecoming. The music and the post-salon fellowship were my favorite parts. I felt like I touched my future at the salon and am starting to manifest it. I got to enjoy myself as a visionary. I never honor that part of myself but she is real and loves speaking things into existence. I want more places for her to both play and be serious. I felt it in my crown and in my heart. I felt the fuzzy feeling I get when I’m on the brink of something powerful with my name on it.”
— Workshop Participant & Community Member
“[The workshop] was very lovely and new. I had never experienced such powerful collective energy in dreaming in a group of people. It was very centering and I felt at peace. I felt welcomed and engaged by everyone I spoke to and met. ”
— Workshop Participant & Community Member
“[Danielle has] provided me with uplifting words of wisdom that continually remind me to center love, healing, and creation <3 ”
— Lucha Arévalo, Community Member and Online Reader
““I have learned so much and reevaluated my understanding of health and healing with these valuable perspectives that are different from my own.””